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Monday, July 03, 2006

Back at home

I'm back from a really insane week on Frankfurt and Alicante. It has been really hard because just on tuesday, on my first day, I got a terrible cold probably due to having to walk about 750m on a very hard rain to be able to get my rented car. That's the bad thing on ryanair-airports, things are not as near as they should be ;)

So I spent all the trip between kleenex and having a runny nose. If that wasn't enough, I lost my voice on Thursday. That was really bad, because I had a speak at Alicante on Friday, so I had to talk with a microphone very near to my lips so the audience at least could hear me. I think the university staff is going to upload my speak to the conference web page. It will be very funny to hear me without voice.

Respect to jLibrary, finally it couldn't win. I cannot say that the result is different from what I expected. If you take a look to the winners you will see that, if we forget the Spring Framework that was clearly on other level respect to the other projects, all the four projects are really innovative so they worth the prize.