jLibrary does Eclipse Corner
EclipseCon is really near and as you know jLibrary will be there. So, as the great moment is coming, this week I was preparing some jLibrary repositories to show to the conference audience coming to my humble stand.
So, I was thinking: How can I create a repository that really shows the power behind jLibrary?. And I found the response! Hey, let's make repositories with Eclipse stuff. So I will take several Eclipse-related repositories to the conference. There will be one with the EclipseCon 2005 slides, there will be another one with the EclipseCon 2004 slides, and finally there will be one with the Eclipse Corner articles.
I have taken some screenshots of the Eclipse Corner repository. I think that this is a great example of what you can do with jLibrary and how useful it can be. Here there are some samples:

Well, I will take with me this and the other Eclipse repositories to show them to the interested conference audience. See you there!