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Monday, July 03, 2006

Hello California, Hello Hilton

Yeah, I'm finally on California. Fortunately, my pessimistic predictions of baggage lost (new terminal on Madrid), travels delayed, or reservations failed did not happen. You can imagine my face when I saw my loved suitcase on San Francisco airport, after having survived the new Barajas terminal 4

After this trip, I'm really tired. Now, I now what is the "tourist class syndrome". As I live on La Coruña (Galicia, Spain), my trip plan was very funny: La Coruña -> Madrid, Madrid -> London, London -> San Francisco. Making some counts, I think that I have been on the air and on airports about 16 hours. And, of course, now I also can definitively say that I know what is the jet lag effect.

One advice for those coming to EclipseCon. One taxi from the San Francisco Airpot is about 122$. I got one, but I went out after the taxi driver told me the prize because I found it really excessive. So, my tip: If you go to the second floor you can go in shuttle services. The trip costed moreless 1/3 = 36$. So it's your choice.

Finally, my company, IT Deusto really had a great detail, not only with the travel but also with the room. The room is simply great, and the Internet connection here is awesome.

Now is time to wait for the great event. See u there.