Struts and Shale divorced
It seems that Struts and Shalle have divorced last Sunday. On this Mailing list entry, Martin Cooper announced the official project split:
On behalf of the ASF Board and Struts PMC, we are pleased to announce that Shale has been accepted as a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation.
As a top-level project, Shale will have its own website, mailing lists, repository space, and Project Management Committee. Shale will be an automomous ASF project, rather than a subproject of Apache Struts.
I suppose that the divorce had been germinating from months ago, but it was definitive because of this very big this thread that Floyd Marinescu has resumed.
Ok, so it seems that now the people won't get confused again with the difference between Struts and Shale. Only the time will say if this was a good move.
On behalf of the ASF Board and Struts PMC, we are pleased to announce that Shale has been accepted as a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation.
As a top-level project, Shale will have its own website, mailing lists, repository space, and Project Management Committee. Shale will be an automomous ASF project, rather than a subproject of Apache Struts.
I suppose that the divorce had been germinating from months ago, but it was definitive because of this very big this thread that Floyd Marinescu has resumed.
Ok, so it seems that now the people won't get confused again with the difference between Struts and Shale. Only the time will say if this was a good move.